Commercial projects
Projects I built for clients or companies.
PayMe | AWS Migration
A cloud to cloud migration project to move 30+ micro-services and their DBs, Storage, and Secrets from Azure to AWS, which achieved a great improvement in performance and cost reduction.
HSBC | Digital Business Banking
This project involves the migration of an Apache Camel monolithic application that was running on WebSphere servers to a Spring Boot micro-services architecture hosted on a private Kubernetes cluster.
3HK | Digital Transformation
A project to modernise 3HK services to a new platform using the latest technologies, including a frontend reramp with React.js and Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), mobile app development using Cordova and backend integration with Apache Struts 2 and Spring Boot.
World Class Tests
Revamping an Adobe Flash based online assessment platform to a modern Laravel based web application.
Payment Gateways Integration
Intergration of multiple payment gateways to different platforms, inclding PayPal, AMEX, Mastercard, AliPay, WeChat Pay,
POC projects
Projects I built to test out new (or extremely old) technologies. They are not meant to be used in a production environment.
Live demo is not avaiable for some projects at the moment
I demised my AWS EKS service to save cost. I am planning to implement a "deploy on request" feature to support live demo by using AWS Lambda and ECS. Come back later to check it out!
Heml Charts for Kubernetes
A collection of Helm charts for deploying resources on my Kubernetes clusters.
The repo includes a GitHub Actions workflow to lint and release the charts to GitHub page as a helm repo.
CNN Model for Crypto Currency Prices Prediction
A full stack project including a CNN model training using Tensorflow, an AWS Lambda function to fetch the latest crypto prices and save it into Amazon DynamoDB, a Flask API to predict the crypto price using the trained model, and a Next.js frontend to display the prices and predictions.
Currency Converter with Apache Struts 2
This project includes an experience APIs backend which serves as an API proxy between the frontend and the process APIs. Exchange rates data are fetched real time from European Central Bank before they are marshalled and served to the frontend.
This project is written in Apache Struts 2 Framework with the offical struts2-archetype-convention template. To provide the original taste of Struts 2 in the 2000s, JSP and jQuery are used to create a server side rendering and AJAX website.
Cryptocurrency Prices with Spring Boot
This service utilise a @Scheduled component to fetch data from every 5 seconds and store the result to a PostgreSQL database.
Users can access the latest market price and market prices in the last minute of our selected cryptocurrencies with the provided APIs.
A simple frontend page is implemented with Thymeleaf to to display the above API information.